
What’s was my pre-birth plan?

What did I come to be a part of?

What have I been carrying that does not belong to me?

And what truth must I see to change the way I feel about it?

How do I differentiate between fear/anxiety and my intuition?

What is the loss that I’ve been experiencing teaching me about?

How do I recognize and learn from my own intuitive responses?

What childhood programming can I choose to completely renounce?

How can the hardship and challenges I’ve face bring out the best in me?

What have I been in denial of, and what is the truth that I can now accept?

What is the best practice for me in channeling and connecting with Spirit?

What are some of the greatest lessons that I’m able to learn in this lifetime?

What thought system based in fear can I now choose to completely relinquish?

What have I held in my shadow that needs to be illuminated for my honest reflection?


Where can I express my life force most passionately?

Can you show me how I channel energy consciously?

What message am I uniquely qualified to share with the world?

What can offering my natural gifts look like and how will it feel?

What practices can help me in being more aware of who I truly am?

How can I make a difference with something I have that others need?

How is the work I’m doing bringing light and meaning to the world?

In what ways can I let go of others’ expectations and be more Myself?

Where can I express my life energy joyfully and with higher purpose?

What is my inner child wishing for me to more express and experience?

What wants to come through me into community and how do I honor it?

What significance am I making in the lives of the people connected to me?

What positive impact have I already made in this world and what is likely to come?

Which of my inspired ideas might be luring me into deeper commitment, focus, action?


What can help me feel safe during these times?

How am I to release the fear of losing everything?

In what ways can I easily enhance joy and playfulness?

Are there any amends that are due or need to be made?

Why have I been feeling so hurt and angry about _____ ?

How can I shift my response to past trauma, for the better?

What is most necessary for me to experience greater peace?

How can I best enjoy my sexuality during this chapter of life?

How can I best navigate life with heavy grief, and care for myself?

In what area(s) of my body has emotional energy become stuck?

How do I go from resentment to love and healing, with greater ease?

How can I release the anxiety associated with the well being of a loved one?


What can I surrender gracefully?

How can I further grow spiritually?

How do I gain mastery in living more consciously?

How can I develop and maintain a mindset of abundance?

How do I step away from indecision and step into decisiveness?

What limiting stories about my identity am I able to now revise?

Why have I felt like such an imposter and how can I change this?

What can help me release self-judgement on what makes me unique?

In what ways can my personal growth and expression be nurtured?

What can life look like for me when I fully engage my personal power?

What is the best possible outcome of me changing careers at this time?

Can you help me now believe more in my brilliant future than I do in my past?

Why had I resisted aligning to my highest potential, and how do I overcome this?


What is the discomfort an indication of?

Can this be healed now, and how can this?

How can I maintain my wellness from now on?

How do best I shift from a pattern of addiction?

What can help me deepen my meditative practice?

What is at the root of the insomnia/allergy/migraine?

What is the deeper meaning behind the ongoing fatigue?

Which chakras need clearing, and how can this be done now?

What is most needed for the wellbeing of my parent/sibling/child ?

What other areas of my body require my greater care and attention?

How can I bring the feminine and masculine into balance within myself?

What is needed in order for me to enjoy optimum health and immunity?

In addition to this work, what other healing therapies can I greatly benefit from?


What spiritual ties do I have with my partner?

How can I show greater care for myself and others?

What does my daughter’s Higher Self need me to know?

What is needed in order for me to heal from estrangement?

How do I come to grow in my new relationship with _____?

What does my animal companion want me to know about them?

With what/whom can I release over-vigilance and grow more trust?

How can I begin and nurture a greater sense of connection with others?

What can I do to contribute to society’s wellbeing, and in turn my own?

In which ways can I now honor more deeply my boundaries with others?

What can I understand that supports my loved one on their journey now?

What’s the best step which brings me closer to encountering a soul partner?

What is the highest intention that I have in my relationship with my partner?

In what ways can I improve communication and understanding with my parents?

Is there anyone I have yet to forgive?  What can this forgiveness look and feel like?


Who are my ancestors?

What message do they wish to give?

In what ways can I beautify my own legacy?

What is my role in healing my ancestral lineage?

What gifts strength and privilege do I have in these lines?

How do I continue honoring the legacy of those who came before?

What does my Grand Mother/Father wish for me to know and feel?


What is the Soul?

What is the Meaning of Life?

Why did I agree to come to Earth?

How can I preserve what is sacred to me?

Who has been coming through in my dreams?

What is my re-occurring dream a reflection of?

What significant aspect of myself had I lost sight of?

How can I interpret the visions that I’m often given?

What is beneficial for me to know about my birth story?

What is the significance of the numbers I see repeatedly?

What possible future mission am I currently setting up for?

Which other galactic regions have I visited or consider home?

What ritual will help me with what I most need in my life right now?

What happened during the period when I experienced a loss of time?

How can I prepare for the big changes this World is heading towards?

What’s the significance of the unusual birthmark I have on my left thigh?

How can I understand the spiritual dimension of actions against humanity?

What was that strange thing I saw one night when I awoke to look out the window?