
50-90 minutes

To begin, we introduce ourselves more fully. I take time in hearing about you and what you’re ready to learn shift and heal. We thusly set an intention for the session. We go over the questions you seek to have answered by your Higher Self, Guides, Ancestors, Teachers, and Loved Ones. I ask about a few details and, if necessary, about the key characters in your life that are asked about in your questions, for clarification.

I also answer any other questions you might have about hypnosis, and give you plenty of helpful tips that can help you ease into hypnosis easily, dive deeply, and therefore gain the very most out of your session!


150-200 minutes


We call upon your many spiritual resources to guide and support your journey. With guided meditation and conscious breathing you are helped into a deepening relaxation, inward awareness, and a dreamy hypnotic trance. With guided visualization you’re given guidance which engages your inner vision, intuitive imagination, and soul memories.

Vision Quest

Your Higher Self, the overlighting guide, reveals to you images and experiences that are relevant to your awakening healing and growth. I guide your awareness through several significant scenes. These scenes can be taken from your soul’s memories of this lifetime, or other lifetimes of the past or future. They can also be symbolic imagery encoded with transmissions. They can even be scenes from the life of someone else with whom you are connected. Exploring through the Quantum Field, the possibilities are endless. Ultimately you are taken to what’s most beneficial for you to review at this stage of your soul’s journey. We may even explore life between lives.

Oracular Discourse

After going through a series of visions, I ask you for your permission to speak directly with your Higher Self. Permission granted, I help you to avail yourself as a channel and give way to the voice of your Higher Self. A dialogue with your Higher Self is established and I begin asking a series of enlightening questions, including ones that offer clarity on the significance of the inner visions you just explored, and then focusing on the ones you have prepared pre-session - questions you seek clear answers to and guidance on.

Body Scan

Afterwards, I ask your Higher Self to scan your body and bring attention to any areas in need of healing . Pointed insights can be given (such as the cause, changes that are needed, what’s to be avoided, recommendations, etc), and healing begins to accelerate with the synergistic support of the Higher Self. I may support with supplemental therapies such as Reiki, lightwork, SRT, sound vibration, and guided visualization.

Conclude and Emerge

Before concluding the oracular transmission, my gratitude is sincerely expressed to your Higher Self and Guides for the healing and enlightening insights given. I then guide your consciousness to return to the forefront and help you to begin gently emerging from your deep hypnosis and into a fully awakened state.


50-90 minutes

Upon opening your eyes you’ll need time time to re-acclimate. When you’re ready, we have a post-hypnosis review. This is when you can begin slowly grounding yourself once more. You might wish to share your experience - how long you felt you had journeyed, what you remember, what came as a surprise, how it felt, what makes so much more sense to you now, and what new revelations give you the most Wow.

I offer highlights from your oracular hypnosis to help you maintain your fresh memory of it. Finally, I send the recording of our session to you by Airdrop (iphone) or Dropbox (email), for your immediate and continual review. Listening to this content material is a crucial part of your post session integration.

Remember - I welcome your reflection and feedback post session, as you may wish to discuss it even further with me and I’m curious to know about the newness that comes about from our work together. You’re free to contact me to set up a time for a post session call after you have listened to your recording in its entirety.